Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Special Coupon Newsletter: When It Goes Wrong

I have to admit I don't open retailer newsletters often. But this was a first email I ever received from Roly Poly sandwiches - the popular place to grab lunch since it's practuacally accross the street from the office.
Hey, it was $5 off any sandwich, considering the regular price is $5.95! I even forwarded it to my collegue and she got pretty excited.

To my surprise about 4 hours I received another email from Roly Poly with a subject line: Special Offer Correction from Roly Poly

Puzzled I had to click:

Well, congrats to Roly Poly team on saving the situation with a creative subject line: "Special Offer Correction" sounds just irresistible :)

However, the lesson learned: PLEASE prof-reed your newsletter before hitting that send button. I have been there, done that once sending out the press release with a misspell in company's name. I would like to get stats how many people brought these $5 off coupons to the shop and actually were given a discount.

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